How to Diagnose and Treat Dry Mouth
Standing in front of a crowd on the cusp of giving your first speech, staring into your girlfriend’s eyes right before you ask her to marry you, stepping up to the mic on the verge ...
Standing in front of a crowd on the cusp of giving your first speech, staring into your girlfriend’s eyes right before you ask her to marry you, stepping up to the mic on the verge ...
During the school year, parents often spend more time away from their children than with them. Between work, school, and running kids to and from their extracurricular activities, most of us feel lucky if we ...
When you first met the love of your life, they referred to your nightly snoring as a barely noticeable purr. It was cute and endearing; they even said it was calming, like white noise — ...
The influence our oral health has on our quality of life often goes unnoticed until something goes wrong. From essential activities like eating and speaking to those magical moments where we find ourselves lost in ...
In recent years, the physical, social, and health issues that women face in their daily lives have been making headlines. Campaigns like “Real Beauty” and “Go Red for Women” have made Dove a household name ...
5 foods (and wine!) for healthy teeth When it comes to your oral health, you’ve probably received a lot of information about what not to eat and drink in order to maintain a healthy, ...
There’s a bit of folk wisdom that calcium is lost from the teeth of pregnant women during pregnancy. Thankfully, this myth is just that — a myth. It is a useful warning to expectant mothers, ...
Oral Cancer Signs, Symptoms, and Prevention No one wants to spend time thinking about oral cancer. However, with more than 43,000 Americans estimated to be diagnosed this year, educating yourself on prevention methods, early detection, ...
Improper oral health hygiene has far-reaching, long-term consequences that go beyond cavities: Receding gums (or gingival recession) is the exposure of the roots of teeth caused by a loss of tissue surrounding the gums. Gum ...
While every member of our staff works hard to help you preserve your oral health, our dental assistants are key players in the routine dental care and the specialized treatments we provide. They make contact ...